The relationship between \(K_c\) and \(K_p\)

What is the relationship between the equilibrium constant in terms of concentration \(K_c\) and the equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressure \(K_p\)?

For an ideal gas,

p=\frac{n}{V}RT\; \; \Rightarrow\; \; p=[concentration]RT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 1

Substitute eq1 in the general equilibrium constant expression in terms of concentration,

K_c=\frac{[C]^p[D]^q...}{[A]^m[B]^n...}=\frac{\left ( \frac{p_C}{RT} \right )^p\left ( \frac{p_D}{RT} \right )^q...}{\left ( \frac{p_A}{RT} \right )^m\left ( \frac{p_B}{RT} \right )^n...}

(RT)^{(p+q+...)-(m+n+...)}K_c=\frac{p_C^{\; \; \; p}p_D^{\; \; \; q}...}{p_A^{\; \; \; m}p_B^{\; \; \; n}...}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 2

Substitute the general equilibrium constant expression in terms of partial pressures, Kp, in eq2

K_p=K_c(RT)^{\Delta n}

where Δn = sum of stoichiometric coefficients of productssum of stoichiometric coefficients of reactants.

Note that Kp = Kc if Δn = 0.


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