Laguerre polynomials

Laguerre polynomials  are a sequence of polynomials that are solutions to the Laguerre differential equation:

where is a constant.

When , eq420 simplifies to . The solution to this first-order differential equation is , which can be expressed as the Taylor series . This implies that eq420 has a power series solution around . To determine the exact form of the power series solution to eq420, let .

Substituting , and  in eq420 yields

Setting in the first sum,

Eq422 is only true if all coefficients of in is 0 (see this article for explanation). So, , or equivalently,

Eq423 is a recurrence relation. If we know the value of , we can use the relation to find .

Recurrence relation

Comparing the recurrence relations, we have

where by convention (so that ).

Letting in eq424 and substituting it in yields the Laguerre polynomials:

where we have replaced with .

The first few Laguerre polynomials are:


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