The nuclear binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus is the total binding energy of the nucleus divided by the total number of nucleons.
56Fe has the highest nuclear binding energy per nucleon and is therefore the most stable isotope (see graph above). The negative gradient of the curve beyond 56Fe implies that electrostatic forces of repulsion increase per nucleon for isotopes with mass number greater than 56.
With reference to the data below and using the concept of nuclear binding energy per nucleon, explain why isotopes with atomic numbers lower than that of 12C have relative masses that are slightly higher than their respective mass numbers, while those with atomic numbers that are higher than 12C have relative masses that are slightly lower than their respective mass numbers.
Atomic no. (Z) |
Mass no. (A) | Symbol |
Relative isotopic mass* |
1 |
1 | 1H |
1.007825 |
2 |
2H |
2.014104 |
2 |
3 | 3He |
3.016029 |
4 |
4He |
4.002603 |
3 |
6 | 6Li |
6.015122 |
4 |
9 | 9Be |
9.012182 |
5 |
10 |
10B |
10.012937 |
11 |
11B |
11.009305 |
6 |
12 | 12C |
12.000000 |
8 |
16 |
16O |
15.994915 |
17 | 17O |
16.999132 |
18 |
18O |
17.999160 |
9 |
19 | 19F |
18.998403 |
10 |
20 |
20Ne |
19.992440 |
21 | 21Ne |
20.993847 |
22 |
22Ne |
21.991386 |
Let’s rewrite eq9 of the previous article as:
Dividing the above equation throughout by A and rearranging,
where is the binding energy per nucleon.
Using data in a previous article, mproton + melectron – mneutron = -0.000839869u. Furthermore, with the exception of 1H, . Therefore, the RHS of eq11 approximately equals to mneutron:
For 12C, , and so
. If
, then
. By the same logic, if
, then