An autocatalytic reaction is one in which a product catalyses the reaction. An example is the Mn2+-catalysed oxidation of oxalic acid by potassium manganate (VII):
The equation can be reduced to A + P → 2P, or simply, A → P, with the rate law:
Using the same logic described in a previous article, we can rewrite the rate law as:
where a = [A0] and p = [P0].
Integrating throughout, we have
Substituting the partial fraction expression in eq14 and after some algebra, we have,
which is equivalent to
The mechanism of the above reaction is found to include the following steps:
With this in mind, derive the rate law and show that it is consistent with eq13a.
We can write the rate law as:
where K is the equilibrium constant for the 1st step and k = 2krdsK. Furthermore, the overall reaction is A → P, which means that