Statistical entropy is a concept in thermodynamics that quantifies the number of different ways a system can be arranged while still maintaining its macroscopic properties.
The total energy of a system, , is given by eq5. Its total differential is:
Consider the transfer of heat to a closed system of particles. If the volume of the system is constant, then no work is done on the system and the energy level of each state is unchanged . However, the population of particles in each state
varies according to temperature. Hence,
If we interpret as the internal energy of the system,
, then according to the first law of thermodynamics of a constant volume system,
For a reversible transfer of heat, the second law of thermodynamics states that . Combining
, eq26 and eq27,
Substituting eq16 in eq28,
Since the total number of particles for a closed system is constant, and
Substituting eq4 in eq29, we have or the integrated form:
where is the statistical entropy.