Constructing atomic terms (uncoupled representation)

Consider the coupling of two electrons. From eq205, we have

\hat{J}=\hat{L}\otimes I+I\otimes\hat{S}

where \hat{L}=\hat{l}^{(1)}\otimes I+I\otimes\hat{l}^{(2)} and \hat{S}=\hat{s}^{(1)}\otimes I+I\otimes\hat{s}^{(2)}.

This implies that the state corresponding to \hat{L} is a coupled representation of \hat{l}^{(1)} and \hat{l}^{(2)} (orbit-orbit coupling), and that the state corresponding to \hat{S} is a coupled representation of \hat{s}^{(1)} and \hat{s}^{(2)} (spin-spin coupling). The overall state can be either a spin-orbit coupled representation \vert J,M_J,L,S\rangle, or a spin-orbit uncoupled representation \vert L,M_L,S,M_S\rangle. As mentioned in a previous article, if we neglect spin-orbit coupling, we can construct atomic terms using the uncoupled representation.

If the two electrons are in the same open subshell, they are called equivalent electrons. An example of such a system is the carbon atom. Even though carbon has six electrons, four of them are in closed shells with zero angular momentum and are therefore ignored when determining atomic terms.

The first step is to tabulate all possible microstates of p2 (arrangements of p2 electrons) that do not violate the Pauli exclusion principle:


\boldsymbol{\mathit{m}}_l \boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_L \boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_S




All up


u 1



u 0 1


u -1


All down d d 1


d d 0


d d -1 -1

One up, one down


2 0

ud 0


ud -2


u d 1


u d 0


u d -1



u 1



u 0


d u -1


where u and d represent m_s=+\frac{1}{2} and m_s=-\frac{1}{2} respectively.

The above table is re-organised as:









1 2



1 3



1 2




where each green number represents the number of microstates corresponding to each (M_L,M_S) combination.

The only microstate with M_L=+2 and M_S=0 when expressed in the uncoupled representation of \vert L,M_L,S,M_S\rangle is \vert 2,2,0,0\rangle because L=M_{L,max}. It must belong to the term 1D, since 1D is when L=2 and S=0, with degenerate states of \vert 2,2,0,0\rangle, \vert 2,1,0,0\rangle, \vert 2,0,0,0\rangle, \vert 2,-1,0,0\rangle  and \vert 2,-2,0,0\rangle. For accounting purposes, we refresh the above table by removing these 5 states of 1D, giving:








1 1



1 2



1 1



Similarly, the only state with M_L=+1,M_S=+1 must be one of the 9 degenerate states of 3P. Again, we refresh the above table by removing these 9 states of 3P, leaving behind one state (M_L=0,M_S=0), which corresponds to the term 1S. Therefore, the atomic terms for the p2 configuration of carbon are 1D, 3P and 1S.



Why are the 9 degenerate states of 3P, combinations of M_L=+1,0,-1 and M_S=+1,0,-1?


Recall that states with same L and same S have the same energy and are grouped into a term. For the term 3P, L=1 and S=1 with degeneracy 9 (3P2 has 5, 3P1 has 3 and 3P0 has 1). For S=1, we have three spin-coupled basis vectors associated with the quantum numbers M_S=+1,0,-1 (formed by the coupling of s_1 and s_2). For L=1, we have another three orbit-coupled basis vectors associated with the quantum numbers M_L=+1,0,-1 (formed by the coupling of l_1 and l_2). The total uncoupled microstates \vert L,M_L,S,M_S\rangle are the number of ways to form Kronecker products of basis vectors from the two vector spaces and hence combinations of M_L=+1,0,-1M_L=+1,0,-1 and M_S=+1,0,-1.


For the configuration 1s22s22p3, e.g. nitrogen, we have

Groups \boldsymbol{\mathit{m}}_l \boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_L \boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_S
+1 0 -1
All up u u u 0 3/2
All down d d d 0 -3/2
One up two down ud d 2 -1/2
ud d 1 -1/2
d ud 1 -1/2
ud d -1 -1/2
d ud -1 -1/2
d ud -2 -1/2
u d d 0 -1/2
d u d 0 -1/2
d d u 0 -1/2
Two up one down ud u 2 1/2
ud u 1 1/2
u ud 1 1/2
ud u -1 1/2
u ud -1 1/2
u ud -2 1/2
u u d 0 1/2
u d u 0 1/2
d u u 0 1/2

We can re-organise the above table as:

+3/2 1/2 -1/2 -3/2
\boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_L +2 1 1
+1 2 2
0 1 3 3 1
-1 2 2
-2 1 1

The only state with M_L=0,M_S=+3/2 must be one of the 4 degenerate states of 4S. For accounting purposes, we re-tabulate the above table by removing these 4 states of 4S, giving:

+3/2 1/2 -1/2 -3/2
\boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_L +2 1 1
+1 2 2
0 2 2
-1 2 2
-2 1 1

A good guess for the next term is 2D with a degeneracy of 10, because we are left with states of M_S=\pm1/2, spanning M_L from +2 to -2. The remaining states are:

+3/2 1/2 -1/2 -3/2
\boldsymbol{\mathit{M}}_L +2
+1 1 1
0 1 1
-1 1 1

which obviously belong to the term 2P.

Therefore, the terms for the configuration of nitrogen are 4S, 2D, 2P.

For a system with non-equivalent electrons (electrons in different subshells) in open shells, the way to construct atomic terms is similar to a system with equivalent electrons, except that we do not have to apply the Pauli exclusion principle in the construction process. The easiest method of construction is to use the Clebsch-Gordan series by coupling the l_i values to find out the possible L values, and then coupling the s_i values to give the possible S values, and finally combining the possible L and S values to produce the atomic terms. For example, the terms for the 2p13p1 system are 3D, 1D, 3P, 1P, 3S and 1S.


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