Reducible and irreducible representations

A reducible representation is a group representation whose elements either have the same block diagonal matrix form or can undergo similarity transformations with the same invertible matrix to form block diagonal matrices of the same form.

Consider the following representations of the  point group:

By inspection, all the elements of have the same block diagonal matrix form of . Therefore,  is a reducible representation of the  point group.

Let’s consider another representation  of the  point group:

The elements do not have the same block diagonal matrix form. However, all of them undergo similarity transformations  with the same invertible matrix , where  and  to give . Hence,  is also a reducible representation of the  point group. Representations that are associated with a similarity transformation are called equivalent representations, i.e.  is equivalent to . It is evident that the elements of a reducible representation may not be in the same block diagonal form, and will only have this form if the appropriate basis is chosen.

A final point about reducible representations is that an element of a reducible representation of a group  is composed of the direct sum of the matrices of other representations of  that correspond to the same element of . For example,  of the  point group is a result of the direct sum of  and . In other words, a reducible representation can be decomposed or reduced to representations of lower dimensions.

An irreducible representation is a group representation whose elements cannot undergo similarity transformations with the same invertible matrix to form block diagonal matrices of the same form. Hence, an irreducible representation cannot be decomposed or reduced further to a representation of lower dimension. and are examples of irreducible representations of the point group. Every point group has a trivial, one-dimensional irreducible representation with each element being 1.


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