Critical constants

The critical constants of a real gas describe the conditions for liquefaction of the gas.

Thomas Andrews, an Irish chemist, conducted experiments on the liquefaction of gases in the 1860s and developed the concept of critical constants, which is summarised as follows:-

Consider a gas, Y, confined by a piston in a cylinder. The diagram below shows the pressure of the gas in the cylinder as the piston is pushed to vary the volume at various temperatures with T1 > T2 > T3 > T4 > T5. Each coloured line, called an isotherm, describes the change in pressure versus the change in molar volume of the gas at a specific temperature.

The isotherms at higher temperatures have smooth curves, while those at lower temperatures consist of horizontal portions. As we compress the gas at point A at temperature T5, its pressure increases until just to the left of point B, where the gas starts to condense into its liquid form (it exists in both the liquid and gaseous phases with a defined surface separating the two). The system is now at equilibrium, where Y(g)\rightleftharpoons Y(l). The fact that the gas condenses into a liquid implies that it is a real gas (an ideal gas is devoid of intermolecular interactions).

As we manually compress the system further, more liquid is formed, as the system reacts according to Le Chatelier’s principle: the system counteracts the increase in pressure (decrease in volume) by shifting the position of the equilibrium of Y(g)\rightleftharpoons Y(l) to the right to reduce the pressure, resulting in the pressure of the gas being constant. Hence, the curve from B to C is horizontal and is called a tie line. The pressure corresponding to the tie line is known as the vapour pressure of the liquid atT5. At point C, all the gas is condensed into liquid with the piston touching the surface of the liquid.

The volume hardly changes when we compress the system further from C to D, as the liquid state of a substance is relatively incompressible. If we repeat the entire compression process at higher temperatures, we find that the width of the tie line shortens, e.g. for T4, where it reduces to a maximum point (marked X) at T3. We call this point the critical point of the substance and the isotherm that passes through it, the critical isotherm.

The temperature that produces the critical isotherm is called the critical temperature, Tc, e.g. Tc for CO2 is 31.040C. The pressure and molar volume at the critical point is known as the critical pressure, pc, and critical molar volume, Vc, respectively. pc, Vc, and Tc are collectively called the critical constants of a substance.

The gas that is described by isotherms at temperatures above Tc cannot be compressed into a liquid regardless of the pressure applied. Due to the high pressure environment at temperatures above Tc, the gas has a density that is closer to that of a liquid and is called a supercritical fluid even though it is by definition a gas.

The density of a supercritical fluid and hence its solubility can be optimised for a particular application by adjusting its pressure. Supercritical CO2, for example, is used to dissolve and extract caffeine from coffee beans and as a dry-cleaning solvent.

Generally, the regions shaded yellow, blue, pink and grey in the above graph represent the gas phase, the liquid-gas phase, the liquid phase and the supercritical fluid phase respectively.

Lastly, it is important to note that at points B, C, X and all other points on the boundary separating the liquid-gas zone from the other zones, the substance exists only in one phase. For example, at the critical point, the meniscus between the liquid and gas (supercritical fluid) phases disappears, as there is no difference in densities of the liquid and gas (supercritical fluid).


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van der Waal’s equation of state

Johannes van der Waals, a Dutch physicist, introduced an equation in 1873 called the van der Waals equation to mathematically describe the physical state of a real gas.

This equation is:

\left [ p+a\left ( \frac{n}{V} \right )^2 \right ]\left ( V-nb \right )=nRT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 3

where a and b are called the van der Waals coefficients, which are temperature-independent constants specific to each gas.

The equation looks similar to the ideal gas equation except for the pressure and volume factors of a\left ( \frac{n}{V} \right )^2 and nb, respectively. To understand how van der Waals’ equation is derived, we need to know how the ideal gas law is conceptualised.

The ideal gas equation, pV = nRT, is derived from the combined experiments of Robert Boyle and Jacques Charles, and a principle developed by Amedeo Avogadro. This means that, for a fixed amount of gas at a relatively high temperature, the product of the experimentally observed values of p and V in the equation is a constant. The equation works reasonably well at low pressures where gases approach ideality. Under such conditions, gas particles can be assumed to be point masses with zero volume and, therefore, have no intermolecular forces of attraction or repulsion between them. In other words, the equation only works when the observed variables of p and V are ‘ideal’:

p_{ideal}V_{ideal}=nRT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 4

In reality, gases have finite volumes and repel one another, especially at high pressures. The experimentally observed values of pressures and volumes are actually preal and Vreal. Therefore, for eq4 to work, we have to modify it.

Due to the presence of repulsive forces between real gas molecules at high pressures, the observed volume of a real gas is larger than the volume of its ideal counterpart, that is, Vreal > Videal. The diagram below shows the volume expansion (from yellow to blue) if the point masses have finite volumes.

Letting the difference in molar volume of a real gas and an ideal gas be b, we have \frac{V_{real}}{n}-\frac{V_{ideal}}{n}=b or

V_{ideal}=V_{real}-nb\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 5

Substituting eq5 in eq4 and rearranging yields

V_{real}=\frac{nRT}{p_{ideal}}+nb\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 6

Eq6 predicts that the molar volume of a gas at zero Kelvin is b. Experiments indeed reveal that b has approximately the same value as the molar volume of the solid form or liquid form of the gas near that temperature. On the other hand, the ideal gas law, V_{ideal}=\frac{nRT}{p_{ideal}}, wrongly predicts that the volume of a gas at 0 K is zero.

Next, the pressure that a real gas exerts on the wall of a container is lower than the pressure of its ideal counterpart (pideal > preal), as the molecules of a real gas experience intermolecular forces of attraction that decelerates their motion when they are about to impact the wall of the container. This means that we need to add a pressure shortfall, Δpreal, to the observed real pressure to reflect the ideal pressure that fits eq4:

p_{ideal}=p_{real}+\Delta p_{real}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 7

If we perceive the intermolecular force of attraction (i.e., the force that one molecule of gas experiences near the wall of the container) as the attraction between that molecule and the bulk of the gas, the pressure shortfall due to that particular molecule is proportional to the density of the gas:

\Delta p_{real,\, one\, molecule}=k\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )

Furthermore, the total number of molecules N near the wall of the container is again proportional to the density of the gas:

N=k'\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )

The total pressure shortfall is therefore:

\Delta p_{real}=N\Delta p_{real,\, one\, molecule}=k'\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )k\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )=a\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )^2

where a = k’k is a proportionality constant specific to a particular gas.

Eq7 becomes

p_{ideal}=p_{real}+a\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )^2\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 8

Substituting eq5 and eq8 in eq4, we get the explicit form of eq3:

\left [ p_{real}+a\left ( \frac{n}{V_{real}} \right )^2 \right ]\left ( V_{real}-nb \right )=nRT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 9

The pressure and volumes in eq9 now represent experimentally observed real pressure and real volumes, respectively. We have essentially converted an equation that only works for ideal gases into one that is applicable for real gases. For simplicity, we can omit the subscripts, which gives eq3.

Using eq3, the van der Waals equation can also be expressed in the molar form by substituting it with the molar volume, V_m=\frac{V}{n}, to give:

\left ( p+\frac{a}{V_m^{\: 2}} \right )\left ( V_m-b \right )=RT

which rearranges to:

p=\frac{RT}{V_m-b}-\frac{a}{V_m^{\: 2}}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 10

At high molar volumes (i.e. low pressures), VmbVm and the second term on the RHS of eq10 becomes very small, with eq10 reducing to the ideal gas equation: p\approx \frac{RT}{V_m}.

The van der Waals equation is an improvement over eq2, as it is able to describe the physical state of a real gas in terms of the van der Waals coefficients a and b, which relate to the strength of the forces of attraction between molecules and the size of the molecules, respectively.

Since the critical isotherm of a gas has an inflexion point at the critical point, we can determine the van der Waals coefficients for a gas by finding the 1st and 2nd derivatives of eq10, letting these be equal to zero and solving for the critical constants:

\frac{dp}{dV_m}=-\frac{RT}{\left ( V_m-b \right )^2}+\frac{2a}{V_m^{\: 3}}=0\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 11

\frac{dp}{dV_m}=\frac{2RT}{\left ( V_m-b \right )^3}-\frac{6a}{V_m^{\:4}}=0\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 12

From eq11 and eq12, a=\frac{RTV_c^{\: 3}}{2\left ( V_c-b \right )^2} and a=\frac{RTV_c^{\: 4}}{3\left ( V_c-b \right )^3} respectively. Combining both values of a,

V_c=3b\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 13

Substitute eq13 back in eq11 where Vm is now Vc,

T_c=\frac{8a}{27Rb}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 14

Substitute eq13 and eq14 back in eq10,

p_c=\frac{a}{27b^2}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 15

Hence, by measuring the pressure, volume and temperature at the critical point of a gas (i.e. the critical constants), we can calculate the van der Waals coefficients for that gas. The table below shows the van der Waals coefficients for some common gases:

a / atm dm6 mol-2

b / 10-2 dm3 mol-1


0.2420 2.65







CO2 3.610



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Virial equation of state

The virial equation of state is a mathematical expression that models the behaviour of a real gas.

Recognising van der Waals’ work, Heike Kamerlingh, another Dutch physicist, attempted to establish a more extensive equation of state and devised the virial equation of state in 1882:

pV_m=RT\left ( 1+\frac{B}{V_m}+\frac{C}{V_m^{\: 2}}+... \right )\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 16

The word virial is latin meaning force or energy. The RHS of eq16 suggests that the virial equation is derived using a power series.

In fact, the equation can be perceived as a Maclaurin series of van der Waals’ equation. To illustrate this, let’s multiply the right side of eq10 from the previous section by \frac{x}{x} where x=\frac{1}{V_m} to give:

p=\frac{RTx}{1-bx}-ax^2\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 17

A Maclaurin series for the polynomial p(x)=c_0+c_1x+c_2x^2+c_3x^3+... is in the form:

p(x)=p(0)+\frac{p'(0)}{1!}x+\frac{p''(0)}{2!}x+\frac{p'''(0)}{3!}x+...\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 18

From eq17,

p(0)=0\; \; \; \; \; \; 19

p'(0)=\frac{RT(1-bx)+bRTx}{(1-bx)^2}-2ax=RT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; 20

p''(0)=\frac{2b\left [ RT(1-bx)+bRTx \right ](1-bx)}{(1-bx)^4}-2a=2(bRT-a)\; \; \; \; \; \; \; 21

p'''(0)=\frac{6b^2RT}{(1-bx)^4}=6b^2RT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; 22

Substituting eq19 through eq22 in eq18

p(x)=RTx\left [ 1+\left ( b-\frac{a}{RT} \right )x+b^2x^2+... \right ]\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 23

Substitute x=\frac{1}{V_m} back in eq23

p(x)=\frac{RT}{V_m}\left [ 1+\frac{\left ( b-\frac{a}{RT} \right )}{V_m}+\frac{b^2}{V_m^{\: 2}}+... \right ]\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 24

Eq24 is the same as eq16 if B=\left ( b-\frac{a}{RT} \right ) and C = b2. If so, the coefficient C (and perhaps other higher coefficients) is not a function of temperature, which limits the accuracy of the equation in predicting the pressure of the real gas. Kamerlingh therefore decided to use experimental data to determine the coefficients B, C and so on, instead of using the van der Waals factors, resulting in eq16 as the final form rather than eq24.

Comparing eq16 and eq2, the compression factor is equal to the expansion part of the virial equation

Z=1+\frac{B}{V_m}+\frac{C}{V_m^{\: 2}}+...

If all the virial coefficients are equal to zero, Z = 1 and the virial equation becomes the ideal gas equation. For large Vm (i.e. at low pressures), all the terms with virial coefficients tend to zero with the virial equation transforming into the ideal gas equation again. The virial equation can also be expressed in terms of powers of pressure:

pV_m=RT\left ( 1+B'p+C'p^2+... \right )\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 25

The pressure version of the virial equation is constructed in a way that is consistent with the volume version, such that the equation becomes the ideal gas equation when all the virial coefficients are zero.

In summary, the virial equation’s accuracy in modeling the behaviour of real gases increases with increasing number of expansion terms. However, it may be cumbersome to determine the virial coefficients that are needed to make the equation work.

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Chemical equilibrium: overview

Chemical equilibrium occurs when the rates of the forward and reverse reactions in a dynamic system become equal, resulting in constant concentrations of reactants and products despite ongoing processes.

Some chemical reactions, like phase changes, are reversible (i.e. the products can react to re-form the reactants), e.g.

PCl_5(g)\rightleftharpoons PCl_3(g)+Cl_2(g)

Such reactions are denoted by the double harpoon sign \rightleftharpoons, instead of the single arrow sign → for irreversible reactions.

Consider only the presence of PCl5 in a closed, heated reaction vessel at the start of the reaction. Initially, PCl5 molecules collide with each other to form PCl3 and Cl2 at a relatively high rate as the temperature and concentration of PCl5 is high. As some PCl3 and Cl2 are formed, they too collide with one another to re-form PCl5 at a relatively slower rate. Over time, the decrease in concentration of PCl5 and the increase in concentration of PCland Cl2 reach a point where the forward reaction rate equals to the reverse reaction rate, resulting in no net changes in concentrations of the reactant PCl5 and that of the products PCland Cl2. We say that the reaction has attained dynamic equilibrium when it reaches such a state. The course of the reaction is represented by the graph below:

It is important to note that a closed system is necessary for a reaction to achieve chemical equilibrium.


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Units of the equilibrium constant

The thermodynamic definition of the equilibrium constant K is

\Delta_rG^{\: o}=-RTlnK

where ΔGo is the reaction Gibbs energy at standard conditions (a constant for a particular reaction), R is the gas constant, T is temperature.

Since logarithms only take pure numbers, K is a dimensionless number. However, when equilibrium constants are calculated as a quotient of concentrations or partial pressures, the practice is to quote them in units of concentration or pressure according to the quotient.

K_c=\frac{\left [ C \right ]^p\left [ D \right ]^q...}{\left [ A \right ]^m\left [B \right ]^n...}\; \; \; or\; \; \; K_p=\frac{p_C^{ \; \; \; p}p_D^{ \; \; \;q}...}{p_A^{ \; \; \; m}p_B^{\; \; \; n}...}

For example, the units of Kc for

K_c=\frac{\left [ CoCl_4^{\; 2-} \right ]}{\left [ Co\left ( H_2O \right )_6^{\; 2+} \right ]\left [ Cl^- \right ]^4}

is mol-4dm12.


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Equilibrium constant

The equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction describes the relationship between the concentrations of the reactants and the concentrations of the products of the reaction at dynamic equilibrium.

Chemists found that when a reversible reaction reaches dynamic equilibrium, the product of the concentrations (or partial pressures) of the reaction products raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients divided by the product of the concentrations (or partial pressures) of the reactants raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients, has a constant value at a particular temperature (see this advanced level article for derivation). For the decomposition of PCl5 at 620K,

PCl_5(g)\rightleftharpoons PCl_3(g)+Cl_2(g)

we have

K_c=\frac{\left [ PCl_3 \right ]\left [ Cl_2 \right ]}{\left [ PCl_5 \right ]}

where [i] is the concentration in mol dm-3 of the species i.

We called this constant, Kc, the equilibrium constant. Since the species in this reaction are in the gaseous state and that the partial pressure of gas is proportional to its concentration, we can also express the equilibrium constant of this reaction in terms of partial pressures of the species:


where pi is the partial pressure of gas i and Kp is the equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressures. Note that Kc may or may not be equal to Kp for a particular reaction (see here for details).

Another example is the reaction:

N_2(g)+3H_2(g)\rightleftharpoons 2NH_3(g)


K_c=\frac{\left [ NH_3 \right ]^2}{\left [ N_2 \right ]\left [ H_2 \right ]^3}\; \; \; or\; \; \; K_p=\frac{P_{NH_3}^{\; \; \; \; \; \; 2}}{P_{N_2}P_{H_2}^{\; \; \; \; 3}}

In general, for a reaction

mA+nB+...\rightleftharpoons pC+qD+...

K_c=\frac{\left [ C \right ]^p\left [ D \right ]^q...}{\left [ A \right ]^m\left [B \right ]^n...}\; \; \; or\; \; \; K_p=\frac{p_C^{ \; \; \; p}p_D^{ \; \; \;q}...}{p_A^{ \; \; \; m}p_B^{\; \; \; n}...}



Calculate the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of PCl5 in a 250 ml vessel if the initial and equilibrium amounts of the reactant are 0.0175 mol and 0.0125 mol respectively (assuming no products formed initially).

PCl5 PCl3 Cl2

Initial conc, M

0.0175/0.250 0 0

Equilibrium conc, M

0.0125/0.250 (0.0175-0.0125)/0.250 (0.0175-0.0125)/0.250

K_c=\frac{\frac{0.0050}{0.250}\frac{0.0050}{0.250}}{\frac{0.0125}{0.250}}=8.0\times 10^{-3}\: M



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The relationship between \(K_c\) and \(K_p\)

What is the relationship between the equilibrium constant in terms of concentration \(K_c\) and the equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressure \(K_p\)?

For an ideal gas,

p=\frac{n}{V}RT\; \; \Rightarrow\; \; p=[concentration]RT\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 1

Substitute eq1 in the general equilibrium constant expression in terms of concentration,

K_c=\frac{[C]^p[D]^q...}{[A]^m[B]^n...}=\frac{\left ( \frac{p_C}{RT} \right )^p\left ( \frac{p_D}{RT} \right )^q...}{\left ( \frac{p_A}{RT} \right )^m\left ( \frac{p_B}{RT} \right )^n...}

(RT)^{(p+q+...)-(m+n+...)}K_c=\frac{p_C^{\; \; \; p}p_D^{\; \; \; q}...}{p_A^{\; \; \; m}p_B^{\; \; \; n}...}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 2

Substitute the general equilibrium constant expression in terms of partial pressures, Kp, in eq2

K_p=K_c(RT)^{\Delta n}

where Δn = sum of stoichiometric coefficients of productssum of stoichiometric coefficients of reactants.

Note that Kp = Kc if Δn = 0.


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Why is water sometimes omitted from the equilibrium constant?

Why is water sometimes omitted from the equilibrium constant? To answer this equation, we begin by noting that the equilibrium constants

K_c=\frac{[C]^p[D]^q...}{[A]^m[B]^n...}\; \; and\; \; K_p=\frac{p_C^{\; \;\; p}p_D^{\; \; \; q}...}{p_A^{\; \;\; m}p_B^{\; \;\; n}...}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 3

are approximations of the thermodynamic definition of the equilibrium constant, which is:

K=\frac{a_C^{\; \;\; p}a_D^{\; \; \; q}...}{a_A^{\; \;\; m}a_B^{\; \;\; n}...}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 4

where ai is the activity of species i.

For a dilute solution,

a_i=\frac{[i]}{[i]^o}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 5

where [i]o is the concentration of the pure species at standard conditions of 1 bar and 298.15K.

For an ideal gas,

a_i=\frac{p_i}{p_i^{\: o}}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 6

where pio is the pressure of the pure species at standard conditions of 1 bar and 298.15K.

Combining eq3 through eq6,

K_c=\frac{ \left (\frac{[C]}{[C] ^o} \right )^p\left (\frac{[D]}{[D] ^o} \right )^q...}{\left ( \frac{[A]}{[A]^o} \right )^m\left ( \frac{[B]}{[B]^o} \right )^n...}\; \; and\; \; K_p=\frac{ \left (\frac{P_C}{P_C^{\: o}} \right )^p\left (\frac{P_D}{P_D^{\: o}} \right )^q...}{\left ( \frac{P_A}{P_A^{\: o} }\right )^m\left ( \frac{P_B}{P_B^{\: o}} \right )^n...}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 7

Consider the following reversible reaction:

CH_3COOH(l)+H_2O(l)\rightleftharpoons CH_3COO^-(aq)+H_3O^+(aq)


K_c=\frac{ \left (\frac{[CH_3COO^-]}{[CH_3COO^-] ^o} \right )\left (\frac{[H_3O^+]}{[H_3O^+] ^o} \right )}{\left ( \frac{[CH_3COOH]}{[CH_3COOH]^o} \right )\left ( \frac{[H_2O]}{[H_2O]^o} \right )}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 8

Water, being in excess, is assumed to have a constant concentration throughout the reaction, approximately equal to that of its pure state. Hence \frac{\left [ H_2O \right ]}{\left [ H_2O \right ]^o}\approx1 and eq8 becomes

K_c=\frac{ \left (\frac{[CH_3COO^-]}{[CH_3COO^-] ^o} \right )\left (\frac{[H_3O^+]}{[H_3O^+] ^o} \right )}{\left ( \frac{[CH_3COOH]}{[CH_3COOH]^o} \right )}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 9

Since the standard state of a solute is defined as 1 mol dm-3, eq9 approximates to

K_c=\frac{\left [ CH_3COO^- \right ]\left [ H_3O^+ \right ]}{\left [ CH_3COOH \right ]}\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 10

Therefore, water is excluded from the equilibrium constant if it acts as a solvent. However, for the reactions

CH_3COOH(l)+C_2H_5OH(l )\rightleftharpoons CH_3COOC_2H_5(l)+H_2O(l)

4HCl(g)+O_2(g)\rightleftharpoons 2H_2O(g)+2Cl_2(g)

water is not a solvent but a reactant, and the respective equilibrium constants are

K_c=\frac{\left [ CH_3COOC_2H_5 \right ]\left [ H_2O \right ]}{\left [ CH_3COOH \right ]\left [ C_2H_5OH \right ]}

K_c=\frac{\left [ H_2O \right ]^2\left [Cl_2 \right ]^2}{\left [ HCl \right ]^4\left [O_2 \right ]}

In the case of a reversible reaction containing one or more solid species, e.g.,

HCl(g)+LiH(s)\rightleftharpoons LICl(s)+H_2(g)

the concentrations of the solid compounds are assumed to be the same as that of their respective pure states. Hence,

K_c=\frac{\left [ H_2 \right ]}{\left [HCl\right ]}\; \; or\; \; K_p=\frac{p_{H_2}}{p_{HCl}}



Write the equilibrium constants for the following reactions:

a) CaCO_3(s)\rightleftharpoons CaO(s)+CO_2(g)

b) CH_3COOC_2H_5(l)+H_2O(l)\rightleftharpoons CH_3COOH(l)+C_2H_5OH(l)

c) Co(H_2O)_6^{\; 2+}(aq)+4Cl^-(aq)\rightleftharpoons CoCl_4^{\; 2-}(aq)+6H_2O(l)


a) K_p=p_{CO_2}

b) K_c=\frac{\left [ CH_3COOH \right ]\left [ C_2H_5OH \right ]}{\left [ CH_3COOC_2H_5 \right ]\left [ H_2O \right ]}

H2O is not a solvent in the hydrolysis reaction but a reactant. A typical ester hydrolysis reaction involves adding, for example, 0.10 M of CH3COOC2H5, 0.10 M of H2O and a catalyst in an inert organic solvent.

c) K_c=\frac{\left [ CoCl_4^{\; \; 2-} \right ]}{\left [ Co(H_2O)_6^{\; \; 2+} \right ]\left [ Cl^- \right ]^4}

The reaction occurs in an aqueous solution, i.e., the solvent is water.


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Ion-product constant for water

The ion-product constant for water describes the relationship between molecular water and its dissociated ionic components at dynamic equilibrium.

Pure water dissociates partially to give the hydroxonium and hydroxide ions.

2H_2O(l)\rightleftharpoons H_3O^+(aq)+OH^-(aq)

Since water is the solvent, its activity approximately equals to one and the equilibrium constant is

K_w=\left [ H_3O^+ \right ]\left [ OH^- \right ]\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 11

Kw is called the ion-product constant for water. Conductivity measurements of pure water reveals that [H3O+] = 10-7 M at 25oC. Since the concentration of hydroxonium ions and hydroxide ions are formed only from the dissociated of water, [H3O+] = [OH], giving Kw = 10-14 M at 25oC . Note that Kw also applies to solutions of acids and bases dissolved in water, that is, Kw is equal to 10-14 M at 25oC regardless of the source of H3O+ and OH.



What is the concentration of OH when HCl is added to water at 25oC to give a pH of 2?


According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the increased [H3O+] shifts the position of the equilibrium of eq11 to the left to attain a new equilibrium where

[OH^-]=\frac{10^{-14}}{10^{-2}}=10^{-12}\: M



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Distribution coefficient (partition coefficient)

The distribution coefficient describes the relative concentrations of a chemical compound in two immiscible solvents.

When a solute, X, with different solubilities in two immiscible solvents, e.g., water and hexane, is shaken in a separating funnel containing both solvents and left to settle, a dynamic equilibrium is established such that the rate of the solute moving from the aqueous layer to the organic layer is the same as the rate of the solute moving from the organic layer to the aqueous layer.

X(aq)\rightleftharpoons X(org)

The equilibrium constant, called the distribution coefficient (or partition coefficient) is given by:


If the compound is more soluble in the organic phase, the distribution coefficient will be greater than 1. If it is more soluble in the aqueous phase, the coefficient will be less than 1. This coefficient is important in various fields, like pharmacology, where it helps predict how a drug will behave in the body (its absorption, distribution, and excretion), and in environmental science, where it can indicate how a pollutant might move between water and soil.



10.00 g of benzoic acid that is dissolved in 100 ml of water is shaken with 50 ml of chloroform and left to settle. 20 ml is then extracted from the aqueous layer and titrated with 6.40 ml of 0.1000 M of NaOH. Calculate the distribution coefficient for benzoic acid in the two solvents.


C_6H_5COOH(l)+NaOH(aq)\rightarrow C_6H_5COO^-Na^+(aq)+H_2O(l)

K_d=\frac{\frac{\frac{10.00}{122.05}-(0.1000\times 0.00064\times 5)}{0.05}}{\frac{0.1000\times 0.0064\times 5}{0.1}}=49.2


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