The expansion of enables the Hartree equations to be solved analytically. Consider two electrons
as depicted in the diagram below:
According to the law of cosines , which is equal to
where .
Due to inter-electronic repulsion, if
is acute and hence
, which implies that we can express eq35 as a binomial series, where
. Substituting
in the series, rearranging and displaying the terms of up to
Since the coefficients of the powers of are the Legendre polynomials
, and that
, we have
As mentioned in the previous article, is dependent on
(see diagram below). This implies that a function of
is a function of four angles. If we rotate the z-axis such that it lies on
, the vectors are expressed in a new coordinate system, where the new polar angle and azimuthal angle are
respectively. Consequently, we have
, which is a simpler function to work with. We can also simplify the function in the original coordinate system by holding
as constants, resulting in a function of the variables
, or
With reference to the new coordinate system, and its complex conjugate are eigenfunctions of
with eigenvalue
. For the original coordinate system,
, and its complex conjugate are eigenfunctions of
with the same eigenvalue
Show that the eigenvalue of is
in any three-dimensional coordinate system.
From eq108 and eq109, the quantum orbital angular momentum ladder operators for the original and new coordinate systems are and
respectively. The corresponding eigenfunctions of
respectively. Following the steps of determining the eigenvalues of
, we have
Furthermore, the general solution of the eigenfunction of is
, where
are the associated Legendre polynomials and
are the coefficients of the basis polynomials in the linear combination. Therefore,
Why is ?
For a particular value of , the linear combination is a sum of basis functions of a particular quantum angular momentum value
. For example, when
, we have a linear combination of the hydrogenic
-orbital wavefunctions. Therefore, the eigenvalues of each term of the sum is always degenerate, which ensures that
is an eigenfunction of
To solve for , we multiply both sides of eq37 by the eigenfunction
and integrate over all space:
Due to the orthogonal property of associated Legendre polynomials, only the term in the RHS expansion of the above equation survives,
From eq390, . Substituting this equation in the above equation and rearranging gives
To evaluate the integral in eq38, we expand the eigenfunction as a linear combination of basis functions in the new coordinate system:
Why can we express in the original coordinate system as a linear combination of basis functions in the new coordinate system?
As mentioned earlier in the article, and
share the same set of eigenvalues. For a particular value of
is an eigenfunction of
with a specific eigenvalue of
, which is the same eigenvalue associated with
for the same value of
. In other words,
, which implies that
is invariant with respect to rotation of the coordinate system.
To solve for , multiply both sides of eq39 by
, integrate over all space and repeat the steps in evaluating
. We have
Next, eq39 must hold for the case of , with
. Expanding eq39,
From eq363a, , which is equal to zero if
and is equal to one if
), i.e.
So the only term that survives in eq41 is and eq41 becomes
Substitute eq40, where and noting that
, in eq43,
Substitute eq44 in eq38
Combining eq45, eq37 and eq36
Substitute in eq46, we have