Unitary representation

A unitary representation of a group consists of elements that are unitary matrices.

Every representation of a group can be described in terms of unitary matrices. Specifically, matrices of a representation of a group can be expressed as unitary matrices via a common similarity transformation without any loss of generality. The proof is as follows:

Consider a group , where each element is an  matrix. Let’s construct a new matrix  out of the elements of , where .


Proof the matrix identity .



Using the identity mentioned above,

Therefore,  is a Hermitian matrix, which can be diagonalised by a unitary matrix , i.e. . Using  and the above identity again, we have,


where .

The diagonal elements of  are  and hence, the diagonal elements of  are . Moreover, one of the elements  of  is the identity matrix, with  and . So, .


Why is ?


implies that is a complex number. The modulus of a complex number is . Hence, .


Let  and  be

where ,  and .

Consider a new set of matrices , where . Since  is diagonal and  is real and positive, we have . Therefore,  and

Substitute eq1 in the above equation and changing the dummy index from  to ,


Show that the set  is also a representation of .


If the set  is also a representation of , its elements must multiply according to the multiplication table of . Since, , we have . The third equality ensures that the closure property of  is satisfied for the set  and hence the set . In other words, the elements of  multiply according to the multiplication table of .

If , then . Since, , the only possibility is that  for . Therefore, the set  has the identity element.

To show that each  has an inverse, we have

Finally, the associativity property of the group is evident, due to the fact that the set consists of matrices, which are associative.


Since the set  is also a representation of , we can express eq2 as:


Explain why the 2nd equality in the above equation is valid.


According to the rearrangement theorem, each summand in  is a unique element of , which is denoted by . Therefore, the 2nd equality in the equation before the Q&A holds.


Repeating the steps from eq2 for , we have . Therefore,  is a unitary matrix.

Since ,  and , we have

In other words, every element  of a representation of  can undergo a similarity transformation that results in , which is unitary. This is necessary in proving Schur’s first lemma and Schur’s second lemma.


Show that the set  is also a representation of .


If the set  is also a representation of , its elements must multiply according to the multiplication table of . Since , we have

The third equality ensures that the closure property of  is satisfied for the set  and hence the set . In other words, the elements of  multiply according to the multiplication table of .



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