Spin-orbit coupling is the interaction between a particle’s spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum. An electron orbiting around the nucleus ‘sees’ the nucleus circling it, just as a person on earth perceives the sun circling the earth while the latter orbits around the sun.
This apparent nuclear orbit creates a magnetic field that exerts a torque on the electron’s spin magnetic dipole moment
, resulting in an additional term of
) in the multi-electron Hamiltonian. To derive this term, we consider a 1-electron atom.
Let be the orbital angular momentum of the electron and
be the proton’s current loop, which generates a magnetic field of magnitude
given by the Biot-Savart law. Since
, we have
Substitute eq259 in , we have,
, where
are unit vectors. Since
point in the same direction,
. Multiplying both sides of
, we have
, which we substitute in eq65 (where
is the spin analogue of eq61) to give
Substituting eq164 and in
For a 1-electron atom, and so
Eq260 can be written in terms of the Larmor frequency of the electron. From eq149, . So,
. Swapping
with the Thomas precession rate
, we obtain the correction term of
The total spin-orbit Hamiltonian is
For a multi-electron atom,