Radial wavefunction

The radial wavefunction describes the probability distribution of the distance between an electron and the nucleus of a hydrogenic atom.

It is given by


are the associated Laguerre polynomials.
is the principal quantum number.
is the orbital angular momentum quantum number
is the Bohr radius.
is the distance between an electron and the nucleus of a hydrogenic atom.



What is a hydrogenic atom?


It is an atom with only one electron, regardless of the number of protons in its nucleus, making it similar to a hydrogen atom in terms of its electronic structure. Examples of hydrogenic atoms include the hydrogen atom, He+, Li2+, and others.


To derive the un-normalised form of eq458, consider the Schrodinger equation of a hydrogenic atom, which is a two-particle problem. Utilising the concepts of center of mass and reduced mass, we have


is the kinetic energy operator of the translational motion of the system.
is the kinetic energy operator of the internal motion (rotational and vibrational motions) of the system.
is the combined masses of the electron and the nucleus.
is the reduced mass.
and are the laplacian operators acting on the centre of mass coordinates and the reduced mass coordinates, respectively.
is the ratio of the Planck constant and .
is the atomic number of the atom.
is the vacuum permittivity.
is the total wavefunction of the atom.
is the eigenvalue corresponding to .

Since translational motion is independent from rotational and vibrational motions, , where and are the translational energy of the system and the internal motion energy of the system respectively. This implies that . Noting that translational energy is purely kinetic, we can separate eq459 into two one-particle problems:

Eq460 is associated with the translational motion of the entire atom. Therefore, we are only concerned with eq461, which corresponds to the motion of the electron relative to the nucleus. Since (see this article for derivation), we can assume that , where  are the spherical harmonics. Multiplying eq461 through by and recognising that gives

where .

Substituting eq96 and eq133 yields the radial differential equation:

where .


If , show that .


Substituting in the chain rule gives , which when substituted in yields . Substituting in the chain rule results in . Finally substituting in gives .


Letting , , and noting that  gives

To determine the solution to eq462, we analyse its asymptotes. As , eq462 approximates to , which has a possible solution of , where is a constant. When , the term dominates, giving , which has a solution of , where is a constant. Each solution on its own is not square-integrable over the interval . However, we can combine them to give a square-integrable form: .



Verify that is a solution to eq462. Hence, show that , where , is also a solution to eq462.


Substituting the second derivative of  in eq462, we get , which when substituted in and then in yields the eigenvalue .

Consider , where . Substituting the second derivative of in eq462, we get and the eigenvalue , which implies that is a solution to eq462. Since eq462 is a linear differential equation, each term in , and hence the entire function, is a solution to eq462. We can simplify to , where because and .

is known as the principal quantum number. Since , we have

Consequently, the eigenvalue associated with eq462, and hence with the radial differential equation, is a function of :

where we have replaced with .


Substituting , and its second derivative in eq462 gives

To solve eq463, we transform it into an associated Laguerre differential equation, which has known solutions. This is accomplished by setting . Then, , and eq463 becomes

Eq464 is an associated Laguerre differential equation. Comparing eq464 and eq442, we have

where are the associated Laguerre polynomials.

The explicit expression of can then be found by carrying out the following substitutions:

    1. Substituting in yields , where is the Bohr radius.
    2. Substituting in gives .
    3. Substituting in  results in .
    4. Substituting in eq444, where and , gives

Substituting in yields . Substituting and noting that , we have

Eq466 is the un-normalised radial wavefunction for a hydrogenic atom. To derive its normalisation constant , we begin by substituting ,  and in eq457 to give

The expression for the normalisation of eq466 is or equivalently

Substituting eq467 yields

Therefore, the normalised radial wavefunction is

which can be easily rearranged to eq458.


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