
An f-orbital, defined by the quantum number , is a region of space around the nucleus where an electron is most likely to be found. The letter ”f” is of spectroscopic origin, standing for ‘fundamental’. f-block elements have either hexagonal close pack, cubic close pack or body centred cubic structures. For non-cubic symmetry systems, we describe them using a general set of orbitals, which are derived in the same way as the d-orbitals. For cubic symmetry systems, they are better described by another set of f-orbitals known as the cubic set, which are derived by taking a different set of linear combinations. Both sets are eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger equation.

One-electron f-orbital wavefunctions can be expressed using the total wavefunction of a hydrogenic atom:


, the radial wavefunction, is the radial component of .
, the spherical harmonics, is the angular component of .
are the associated Laguerre polynomials.
are the associated Legendre polynomials.
is the normalisation constant of the radial wavefunction.
is the normalisation constant of the spherical harmonics.
is the principal quantum number, where
is the orbital angular momentum quantum number (also known as azimuthal quantum number), where and .
is the magnetic quantum number, where .


General set

The principal quantum number, , is also called a shell. Since when , there are seven f-orbitals that are characterised by the set of quantum numbers  of , , , , , and in each shell for . Each of the seven f-orbitals has three angular nodes. Consider the set . Substituting these values into the explicit formula for  yields:

where .

Converting from spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, where , gives

Eq482 is known as the orbital. When or or , . represents the nodal plane, while implies that the angular nodes occur at two conical surfaces with their apices at the origin, extending at along the -axis.

For the sets and , we have  and , respectively. These two wavefunctions include the factor , which may complicate calculations when they undergo symmetry operations. Therefore, we take linear combinations of these wavefunctions to form simpler wavefunctions. The first linear combination is , which normalises to , or equivalently in Cartesian coordinates:

where , and .

One angular node occurs at  or when , which represents the -nodal-plane. The second and third angular nodes correspond to . These nodes are described by two conical surfaces with their apices at the origin, extending at along the -axis.

The second normalised linear combination is , or equivalently,

where .

One angular node occurs at , which represents the -nodal plane. The second and third angular nodes correspond to . These nodes are described by two conical surfaces with their apices at the origin, extending at along the -axis.



If and are already normalised, why do we need to normalise a linear combination of them? How do we normalise a linear combination of and ?


When forming a linear combination of normalised wavefunctions, the result is not necessarily normalised. Consider a general linear combination , where and are coefficients. The normalisation condition for requires that , where  represents the volume element in spherical coordinates. Expanding and noting that and are orthonormal, we have . If , which is the case for the two linear combinations of and , will not be normalised.

To normalise , we have  or

Using (see this article for proof),  and setting and gives .


For the remaining sets , , and , we apply the same logic to give:

Wavefunction Angular nodes











Cubic set

Out of the seven cubic f-orbitals, three of them, ,  and are the same as the general set of f-orbitals. The other four derived by taking different linear combinations of general set of f -orbitals. They are:

Linear combination Normalised wavefunction Angular nodes


Conical surfaces with apices at the origin, extending along the -axis


Conical surfaces with apices at the origin, extending along the -axis






    1. How do we know which set of linear combinations result in the cubic set of wavefunctions?
    2. How do we determine the angular nodes of ?
    1. The linear combinations that give the cubic set of wavefunctions must transform according to the point group.
    2. The angular nodes occur when , which implies that or . Obviously, corresponds to the -nodal-plane. , which states that increases as increases in spherical coordinates, represents two conical surfaces with their apices at the origin. Substituting gives . When (along the -axis), the angles that the conical surfaces make with the -axis are .


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