Binomial theorem and the binomial series

The binomial theorem (or binomial expansion) expresses how to expand the power of a sum of two variables into a series of terms involving the individual powers of each variable, with coefficients determined by their positions in the expansion.

In general, the binomial expansion of  is

where are variables, and are non-negative integers and are the binomial coefficients.

The binomial theorem can be proven by induction. For , we have

If the theorem holds for all when , then for ,

Substituting for the first summation yields . Changing the index from back to gives



Show that .




and the theorem holds for all and .

The binomial theorem defines . This is evident from eq319, where

The binomial series, on the other hand, is a more general concept where  can be any real number, including negative and fractional values. If one of the variables in eq319 is equal to one and the absolute value of the other variable is less than one, the binomial series provides a way to express an infinite series that converges:


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Generating function for the Legendre Polynomials

The generating function for the Legendre polynomials is a mathematical tool that, when expanded as a power series, produces Legendre polynomials as its coefficients in terms of a variable.

Legendre polynomials often arise in problems involving spherical harmonics. An example (see diagram above) is the multipole expansion . As the two points and the angle between them form a triangle, the Legendre polynomials are related to the cosine rule , which can be rearranged to

where and .

Since , we have and hence . This implies that we can expand the RHS of eq343 as a binomial series:

The coefficients of are the Legendre polynomials. Therefore, the generating function for the Legendre polynomials is


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Recurrence relations of the Legendre Polynomials

The recurrence relations of the Legendre polynomials describe how each polynomial in the sequence can be obtained from its predecessors.

Some useful recurrence relations of the Legendre polynomials include

where .

To derive these relations, we differentiate eq345 with respect to and to give



Substituting eq345 in eq346f yields

Equating the coefficents of gives

Substituting eq346e in eq346f results in . When we equate the coefficients of in this equation, we get eq346b. Combining eq346b and eq346g gives eq346a. Substracting eq346b from eq346a yields eq346c.

The last recurrence relation is obtained by substituting eq345 in eq346e to give . Expanding and equating coefficients of , we have eq346d.


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Rodrigues’ formula of the Legendre Polynomials

The Rodrigues’ formula for the Legendre polynomials is a mathematical expression that provides a method to calculate any Legendre polynomial using differentiation.

It is given by

with the first few Legendre polynomials being .

To derive eq348, let . The derivative of with respect to is or equivalently,

Using Leibniz’s theorem to differentiate eq349 by times with respect to gives

Comparing eq350 with eq332 reveals that is a solution to the Legendre differential equation. However, this solution does not produce the conventional Legendre polynomials of and so on.



Prove by induction that for , and hence, .


For , we have . Assuming that is true, then,

So, holds for all . Similarly, . If we let , then .


To derive the factor in eq348, we again use Leibniz’s theorem to find the -th derivative of with respect to :

If we evaluate at , only the term in survives because the binomial theorem defines , resulting in

Since the conventional Legendre polynomials are defined by the condition , the solution to the Legendre differential equation in terms of must be , which is equivalent to eq348.


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Leibniz’s theorem

Leibniz’s theorem extends the product rule to determine higher-order derivatives of the product of two or more functions.

Consider the function , where and are times differentiable. Using the product rule, the first few derivatives are:

which suggests that the -th order derivative of can be expressed as the binomial expansion

where and are non-negative integers, and  are the -th order derivatives of and , respectively, and are the binomial coefficients.

Eq319a is known as Leibniz’s theorem, which can be proven by induction. For ,

If eq319a holds for all when , then for ,

Since (see this article for proof),

and the theorem holds for all and .


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Normalisation constant of the Legendre polynomials

The normalisation constant ensures that the Legendre polynomials are properly scaled, thereby maintaining the probabilistic interpretation of quantum states.

To determine the normalisation constant, we square both sides of the generating function of the Legendre polynomials and integrate the expression with respect to to give



Why are the limits of integration from -1 to 1?


The Legendre polynomials are used to describe spherical harmonics, where and . Therefore, the Legendre polynomials are analysed within the interval of .


Expanding the RHS of eq355 and using the orthogonality of Legendre polynomials,

Substituting and integrating gives

Since , we can expand and as two Taylor series, where and , to yield

To satisfy the above equation for all , all coefficients must be zero. Therefore,

where we have changed the dummy index from to .

Using the orthogonal property of the Legendre polynomials, we can also express eq356 as

Normalising the Legendre polynomials to 1,

Substituting eq356 in the above equation, we have. With reference to eq342, the normalised Legendre polynomials are

where for the even series, for the odd series.


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Orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials

The orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials can be proven using the Legendre differential equation.

If and are solutions to eq332a, then

Multiplying eq351 and eq352 by and , respectively, and subtracting the results yields

The Legendre polynomials are used to describe spherical harmonics, where and . Therefore, the orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials is analysed within the interval of . Integrating eq353 with respect to gives

If , the factor  is not zero, and hence


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Generating function for the associated Legendre Polynomials

The generating function for the associated Legendre polynomials is a mathematical tool that, when expanded as a power series, produces associated Legendre polynomials as its coefficients in terms of a variable.

can be derived from the generating function for the Legendre polynomials. It begins with differentiating eq345 times using Leibniz’s theorem to give

Substituting eq363 in eq365 yields

The derivatives on the RHS have the following pattern:



Eq366 is the generating function for the associated Legendre polynomials. It can also be expressed as:

which is obtained by letting .



How do we use eq366 to generate and ?


For ,

Expanding using the binomial series gives

The polynomial corresponds to the coefficient of on the LHS of eq368. Comparing the coefficients of on both sides of eq368, . Using the same logic, .


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Recurrence relations of the associated Legendre Polynomials

The recurrence relations of the associated Legendre polynomials describe how each polynomial in the sequence can be obtained from its predecessors.

Some useful recurrence relations of the associated Legendre polynomials in quantum chemistry are:

To derive eq370, we differentiate eq366 with respect to and rearrange the result to give

Substituting eq366 in the RHS of the above equation yields

which can be rearranged to

Collecting coefficients with the same powers of ,

Comparing the equations, we have

which is eq370, where .

To derive eq371, we differentiate eq346c times with respect to to give . Multiplying through by  and substituting eq363a in the resultant equation gives eq371.


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Normalisation constant of the associated Legendre polynomials

The normalisation constant ensures that the associated Legendre polynomials are properly scaled, thereby maintaining the probabilistic interpretation of quantum states.

To determine the normalisation constant, we begin by replacing the index with in eq383 and expanding and using the binomial theorem to give:

Since and are polynomials of degrees and , respectively, only the and terms in the summations survive. Simplifying eq384 yields



Evaluate .


Let and so .

To determine , consider . Let and . Then, and . Integrating by parts,

Multiplying through by and substituting eq386 yields

Changing the variable back to , where ,  and , gives

Eq387 is a recurrence relation, where

or equivalently

Substituting eq388 through eq390 in eq387 results in

is the product of odd numbers of . In other words, we can express as the ratio of to the product of even numbers of . The product of even numbers of is the product of the numerators of the RHS of eq388, which is equal to . Therefore, and


Substituting eq389 in eq385 and simplifying gives

Therefore, the normalisation constant of the associated Legendre polynomials is

With reference to eq364, the expression for the normalised associated Legendre polynomials is


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